Hotel Terminology & Glossary
Need to know what about hotel terminology? Look it up in our Hotel Glossary by Xotels, where we share our insights as a hotel management company.
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Search for hotel terms in our Glossary
- 5 Star gl
- 5 Star hotel
- 7 Star hotel
- Aaa five diamond award
- Accommodation
- Adjusted gross operating profit
- Administration costs
- Adr average daily rate
- Ads alternative distribution system
- Adult only resort
- Agency model
- All inclusive hotel
- All inclusive resort
- Allocation
- Allotment
- Alos average length of stay
- Amadeus
- Annual general meeting
- Apartment hotel aparthotel
- Apollo
- Ari average rate index
- Arr average room rate
- Asset management
- Atr average treatment rate
- Auction site
- Availability
- Average bed rate
- Average rate per guest
- B2b
- B2c business to consumer
- Bar best available rate
- Bar pricing strategy
- Beach resort
- Bed and breakfast
- Bed nights
- Bizcation
- Bleisure
- Booking curve
- Booking pace
- Booking window
- Booking
- Boutique hotel
- Brg best rate guarantee
- British hospitality association
- Budget hotel
- Business hotel
- Business mix
- Camping
- Campsite
- Cancellation clause
- Cancellation rate
- Capital expenditure
- Capital reserve
- Capsule hotel
- Cash management
- Chain code
- Chain hotel
- Channel management
- Channels
- Children policy
- Close out
- Comfort letter
- Commission
- Competition based pricing
- Complimentary
- Compset competitive set
- Conference convention hotel
- Conference sales manager
- Consortia
- Constrained demand
- Continental breakfast
- Country house hotel
- Cpor cost per occupied room
- Cro central reservations office
- Crs central reservations system
- Cta closed to arrival
- Ctd closed to departure
- Cut off
- Dba days before arrival
- Demand based pricing
- Demand generators
- Demand
- Denials
- Derived rates
- Design hotel
- Destination management company
- Direct channels
- Direct connect availability
- Direct connect
- Direct sales
- Discount rate
- Discounted cash flow
- Displacement analysis
- Distressed inventory
- Distribution strategy
- Dual brand hotels
- Dynamic packaging
- Dynamic pricing
- Dynamic rate
- E commerce
- Early bird discount
- Ebitda
- Ebitdar
- Eco hotel
- Eco lodge
- Ed electronic distribution
- Experiential travel
- Extranet
- Fair market share
- Fam trip
- Feeder city
- Fenced rate
- Fit out
- Fixed costs
- Flagship hotel
- Flash sales
- Flexible price policy
- Floatels
- Foc free of charge
- Forecast
- Four star hotel
- Franchise agreement
- Franchise disclosure documents
- Franchise fee
- Franchisee
- Franchisor
- Friendsandfamilyrate
- Full service hotel
- Function room occupancy
- Furniture fixtures equipment
- Galileo
- Gbta
- Gds global distribution system
- Gds marketing
- Geocoding
- Glostel
- Golf resort
- Gop gross operating profit
- Goppar
- Green field hotel
- Green hotel
- Gross profit
- Gross revenue
- Group displacement
- Group rate
- Hcd
- Heads in beds
- Hedna
- Hod
- Hospitality industry
- Hospitality management
- Hospitality
- Hostel
- Hotel asset management
- Hotel asset
- Hotel brand
- Hotel capacity
- Hotel chain
- Hotel classification
- Hotel franchise contract
- Hotel franchise
- Hotel group
- Hotel industry
- hotel management
- Hotel market intelligence
- Hotel operator
- hotel revenue management
- Hotel sop
- Hotel
- Iata
- Ids
- Incentive fee
- Independent hotel
- Interface
- Internal rate of return
- Inventory
- Key money
- Kpi key performance indicator
- Kpi key performance indicators
- Last room value
- Lcr local company rate
- Lead time restriction
- Length of stay discounts
- Lifestyle hotel
- Limited service hotel
- Lodging
- Los length of stay
- Lra last room availability
- Luxury hotel
- Margin
- Market led pricing
- Market segments
- Market share
- Markup
- Maxlos maximum length of stay
- Merchant model
- Mice
- Minlos minimum length of stay
- Modified american plan
- Motel
- Mpi market penetration index
- Multigenerational travel intergenerational travel
- Negotiated rate
- Net present value
- Net rate
- Net revenue
- Ngs next generation seamless
- No frills hotel
- No show
- Noi net operating income
- Nop net operating profit
- Nrevpar
- Obe online booking engine
- Occupancy rate
- Odd online distribution database
- One star hotel
- Opaque sites
- Open pricing
- Operating costs
- Ota
- Outstanding balance report
- Overbooking
- Overhead costs
- Package rate
- Packaging
- Pcc pseudo city code
- Pegasus switch
- Pegasus switch
- Pegasus
- Pms property management system
- Pnr passenger name record
- Pod hotel
- Porterage fee
- Poshtel
- Preferred placement
- Prepaid rate
- Price lining
- Price match guarantee
- Price positioning
- Pricing strategy
- Private label chain code
- Private rate
- Profit and loss statement
- Profpar
- Property
- Rack rate
- Rate fences
- Rate hurdle
- Rate integrity
- Rate parity
- Regret
- Remote revenue management
- Representation company
- Reservation fee
- Resort fee
- Resort hotel
- Return on investment
- Revenge travel
- Revenue generation
- Revenue management dashboard
- Revenue management formulas
- Revenue management strategy
- Reverse auction
- Revpam
- Revpar index
- Revpar revenue per available room
- Revpasf
- Revpash ingresos por hora de asiento disponible
- Revpash
- Revpath
- Revpor
- Rfp request for proposal
- Rgi revenue generation index
- Room block
- Room inventory
- Room type
- Royalty fee
- Rural hotel
- Seasonal hotel
- Selected services
- Sell rate
- Sell through
- Shoulder date
- Shoulder season
- Ski resort
- Soft brand
- Source of business
- Spa hotels
- Srevpor
- Staff turnover
- Static pricing
- Stay restriction
- Stay
- Staycation
- Sur spa utilization ratio
- Switch
- Target market
- Three star hotel
- Time based pricing
- Time per table turnaround
- Time share
- Total revenue management
- Total revenue
- Transient
- Travel agent
- Trevpar
- Trevpec
- Trevpor
- Turnaway
- Two star hotel
- Ubicacion preferida
- Unconstrained demand
- Underbooked
- Vacation rental
- Valuation
- Variable pricing
- Virtual hotel operator chain
- Voice
- Vouchers
- Walk
- Wholesaler
- Workcation
- Worldspan
- Yield management
- Yield
- Youth hostel
- Zero base budgeting